
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Business Meeting

Thursday 4 July 2024 19:30

Tewkesbury CAMRA Agenda Thursday 4th July 2024

7:30PM at Inferno Firepit

1) Apologies
2) Previous minutes/matters arising.
3) Chairman’s report
4) Secretary’s report
5) Treasurer’s report
6) Membership report
7) Pubs Officer’s report
8) Social Secretary’s Report (Socials and Trips)
Volunteers Trip – Tamworth Tap 6th July
Summer BBQ – Inferno Firepit 17th August
9) Should we start doing Pub of the season again, if so, what should the selection Process be for POTS which could lead us to selecting GBG Pubs and POTY 2025?
10) AOB
11) Next Meeting is AGM 5th September – New Plough?