
Our Area

Tewkesbury CAMRA covers postcodes GL18,19 and 20

Map of area covered

Tewkesbury CAMRA are a group of people passionate about promoting Real Ale and Real Cider, and keeping 'The British Pub' alive. To understand more about the aims of CAMRA click on the National CAMRA page from the menu on the left.

Current members - please make sure your emails are up to date with our database by emailing the correct address to our secretary on the Contacts page (These emails are only ever used for us to get information to you and are not used for any other purpose.)

If you join CAMRA and live within the above three postcodes, you will become affiliated to this Branch and we would love to see you. You can join CAMRA online by clicking the Join us page from the menu on the left.

Pubs, clubs or hotels must be in one of the three postcodes and be in Gloucestershire to be in our area. Check your details listed in 'What Pub' and contact our 'Pubs' Officer' on the Contacts page to have them updated.

Do you feel you may be under threat and need an Asset of Community Value to protect your pub and your livelihood? For more information, contact our Pubs Officer on the Contacts page

Pubs' Officer introduction letter - Pub Officer Introduction

Please check your entry in What Pub and make any amendments on the following form, then email it back to our Pubs' Officer - What Pub Blank