
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

TWAF 2023

Here are a few happy snaps from the festival we hope you all enjoyed it - https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNTiws0viqJWeRG8NToV27F1mxSnplBuoxc-I2leXop5Cg555VT4pvqbtN8sIZifg?key=RUdFb2pjaU10bGFZRzdfNDhjV3RSMTk3cFNzbHhn

Congratulations Chris for winning Gloucestershire Beer of the festival at TWAF 2023 for Dark Inferno Imperial Stout which had been aged for 12 months it was very nice.

Thank you to all those that donated their unspent tokens they went to a good cause.

The Programme can be downloaded here TWAF 2023 Programme

The Ciders and Perrys list can be downloaded here Cider and Perry

The final Beer list can be downloaded here Ale List TWAF 2023

You can sponsor a Barrel at the festival Or Advertise in the festival Programme to promote your business.

Please download your volunteer form and either E mail it or pop it through Steve Kisby's door asap, as you know we can only run this festival if we have enough volunteer's

TWAF volunteer form